Make your eyes the most eye-catching and get one of these sharingan, rinnegan, and byakugan contact.
:warning: WARNING :warning:
In ocular physiology, Dark Adaptation is the ability of the eye to adjust to various levels of darkness and light. By using Dark Adaption which is the adjustment of the eye to low light intensities, involving reflex dilation of the pupil and activation of the rod cells in preference to the cone cells. You could potentially lose your eyesight.
🛑Please Do So At Your Own Risk🛑
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:leaves: Hello Naruto Amino! :leaves:
So, I just found out that you can unlock the Sharingan in real life, 'supposedly'. Apparently, there was a recent study or some article on this from someone who accidentally discovered this or rather 'Unlocked' his.
When I was reading up on this, at first I thought it was complete bullshit. However, its an actual thing! Called 'Dark Adaption', but I'm only 16, so I'm curious, and I'm going to try it tonight.
I don't really know the side affects besides your vision improving drastically. The time duration is unknown, that's all I know. I could potentially go blind from doing this method.
Here's how it works:
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Eye Color
There will be different results, depending on your eye color.
Zyxel nas542 install plexiglass. The General 6 Eye Colors
Red (Yes, that is an eye color)
If you have Red eyes, great! You don't have to follow this method. But keep in mind that your eyes have dangerously low melanin in them, what your seeing in the image above are blood vessels. So I would highly advise you NOT to attempt this.
Lighter eyes will have the best results since lighter eyes have a low level of pigment present in the iris. Which is visible. This is why you can go blind easily by looking at the sun.
Darker eyes have a high concentration of melanin. You are protected by it from the sun, although it's still not a good idea to look at the sun at all. Dark eyes won't perform as good.
It all really depends on your eye color for the most part.
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How To Unlock The Sharingan? :eyes:
First, your eyes must get used to a dark room. The best way to do this is to wake up in the middle of the night.
Cover one eye with a scarf or a soft cloth, something comfortable to put over your eye, make sure it's dark in that eye so that there is no light showing. Do NOT apply pressure to your eye or else it get blurry. Then, do all your normal activities with your other eye. If you different colored eyes, cover your lightest eyeball color.
Cover your eye for At least 30 minutes for results (I'm assuming). With light on around you, SLOWLY remove the piece of cloth from your eye. Tell me what you saw!
I have never done this before, but if you haven't, please be aware and use caution if you have sensitive eyes like me. I do not know if a person can lose their eyesight by doing this method.
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Try it out at your own risk, and tell me what you saw! Was it worth it? Good luck! :blush: :+1: