After hours and hours of work! 20 images out of about 100 just plain missing, though their 'imprint' is there. No indication at all where they came from.It has nothing to do with Edit/Links.

That option isn't even active. Every single image in the presentation was imported with 'Insert/Picture/From File.' , no differences with importing any image. All images living local to the.odp file, and still exist.

No edits to those files.Going through and trying to reinstate them. Of course, all automation lost when re-importing. What a piece of garbage. July 23, 2014I have Open Office 4.1.0 and I discovered the same problem of missing images in a presentation I was trying to make.

May 28, 2018  Broken Images in Google Docs #2041. Closed qkrengel opened this issue May 28, 2018 3 comments Closed Broken Images in Google Docs #2041. Qkrengel opened this issue May 28, 2018 3 comments Labels. Chrome broken.

I was mostly copying and pasting the images into each 'slide'. It seemed to be working fine, but when I got down to about 75 images, suddenly some of the earlier images didn't show up. I redid the entire presentation, saving the file after adding five or six slides. Then suddenly, after a save, I noticed that about half of my earlier slide images no longer showed up.I have wasted at least four hours with this thing, and I won't waste more. Until I learn that someone has really identified the cause of this problem and fixed it, I shall not try to create any presentations with this tool. It has a show stopper bug as far as I am concerned. As I said, I saved after about each five or six slides added.

In fact, right after my last save (with around 75 slides) it suddenly lost about half the images. The images were all JPEG files pasted into each slide.

During my first pass at this, OO was doing automatic saves every 15 minutes. Gibson banjo serial numbers post war ii. When that went awry with a bunch of lost images I started over with automatic save turned off. Instead I manually saved after each group of five or six, but the same thing happened when I got up to around 75 slides.

Acknak wrote:This sounds like you created the presentation using 'linked' images. In that case, the image data is not embedded in the presentation document, but remains in the original files, external to the presentation. If you need a copy of such a presentation, you need to copy all the image files along with the presentation and install them all in the same (relative) locations in the target computer.Alternatively, you can have Impress embed the images by: Edit Links. Break link.Thanks a load for your swift suggestion!However, both the copied version of the presentation and the original version of the file are in the same directory. Viro the virus the sharpest blade rar.

The original version still shows images, so if there were links, they seem fine (?).Also, the 'edit links' option is greyed out; so to me it seems the linking is not the problem. (I think I dragged most images into the presentation from their folders or copied them from a selection in an image editor.)Unfortunately I don't remember exactly what I did, and I fail to reproduce the problem.