Irrlicht uses namespaces, a C feature not available in Objective-C: /.In the Irrlicht Engine, everything can be found in the namespace 'irr'. Why is sodapoppin so popular. So ifyou want to use a class of the engine, you have to write irr:: before the nameof the class. For example to use the IrrlichtDevice write: irr::IrrlichtDevice.To get rid of the irr:: in front of the name of every class, we tell thecompiler that we use that namespace from now on, and we will not have to writeirr:: anymore./using namespace irr;How can I still use Objecive-C with Irrlicht?


Because the Irrlicht solution contains both C and C files, we need to create 2 versions of the PCH. We do so by adding the pch-cpp.cpp and pch-c.c files at the root of the solution. These files contain nothing more than an include directive for the pch.h header we created in the previous step. Easy, just go to their page and download. You can do it even on Android. Oh, you mean, run? Why do you want the most annoying code editor on Mac? You can try Wine, but you will suffer twice more than you want. Try Code::Blocks, also simp.