Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - Lightsaber Location FAQ STAR WARS: KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC 2: THE SITH LORDSLocations of all Lightsabers/Lightsaber ComponentsBy BastillaLoveChildThe Lightsaber Location FAQThis FAQ is for the XBOX game Knights of the Old Republic 2 (KOTOR 2). Thisis a Star Wars-based RPG set five years after the events of KOTOR 1,approximately 4000 years before the events of the Star Wars movies.This FAQ will describe all of the locations in the game where you can earn alightsaber/lightsaber component.I have tried to avoid including any information that would spoil any majorelements of the gameplay story. However, out of necessity, some spoiler-basedinformation will be present. Be warned.For anyone who has played KOTOR 1 or KOTOR 2, you've learned that gaining yourfirst lightsaber is a noteworthy event. In KOTOR 2, your first lightsabermust be built, using components which are found in your travels. Once youhave all of the parts, one of your party members will help you craftyour 'saber.As in the original KOTOR, there is a great deal of flexibility in the order ofthe planets you travel to, once you have completed Peragus and Telos. Whileyou can travel to any of the planets to start, I have found that starting withNar Shadaa is the easiest planet to start with if you want to get your firstlightsaber in the shortest amount of time possible.
Custom Lightsaber STAR WARS: The Old Republic English. Then I thought about other games when I built a saber-primarily KOTOR 1 and 2 but also Jedi Knight Academy. Are, news of a new source of sabres. They may go there and receive a mini-mission that does the whole collecting-the-parts thing and ends with them crafting the sabre. For KotOR II: TSL by: AVol Authors name: AVol Authors Contact: email protected Mod Name: 'Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords' Character: Darth Vader Description: This modification allows to play as Darth Vader. Or equip to your character Darth Vader's Armor. For this purpose.
Additionally, Dantooineshould be one of your first planets as well, as there is a very specialcrystal which can be found in a cave.When crafting your first lightsaber, three components, plus a focusing crystal(which corresponds to a color crystal), are required. For most of thelocations listed, you would gain one of these components if you have notcrafted your first 'saber.
If you have crafted one, you will find alightsaber, or, where noted, a lightsaber upgrade component.As I've stated, the focus crystal is synonymous with a color crystal, i.e.,blue, gold, green, red, violet, cyan, silver, orange, bronze, or viridian.These crystals are usually not found as item drops. The best place to findone, early in the game, is in one of the following areas (understanding thatmerchant inventories are largely randomized)-1.From the arms dealer on Telos Citadel Station, the 'unscrupulous'brother.2.From one of the two arms/equipment dealers in the main square of NarShadaa. The main square is near the Ebon Hawk, and is the area from which theRefugee Sector, Cantina, and Shuttle Docks can be accessed.3.From the salvager on Dantooine who sells Jedi relics, located outsidethe Academy approach area.Following are the locations, listed by planet -TELOS/TELOS CITADEL STATION -1.One part is earned from either the Ithorians or Czerka, depending onwho you decide to assist. The part is earned after you've helped them dealwith the Exchange.NAR SHADAA -1.From Lootra, located in the flophouse area of the Docks. The part canbe earned by killing him the first time you meet him, or by successfullyreuniting him with his wife, who is located in the Refugee Sector.2.NS (or other first planet): Part earned by defeating Visas, when shefirst appear to fight you on the Ebon Hawk.
If Nar Shadaa is your firstplanet, and your alignment is at least 25% light-side or dark-side, she willappear here.3.Vogga's side chamber. To access the area, you need to completeseveral side-quests. You'll need someone stealth-equipped to eavesdrop on twoaliens in the flophouse, to learn how to deal with the Kath Hounds.
After,you'll need to speak to the bartender in the Cantina to get the Juma Juice forthe Kath Hounds water. After, you'll need to speak to the Twilek in the bar,and agree to dance for Vogga. Once you've put Vogga to sleep by dancing,spike the Kath Hounds water urn with the Juma Juice, and use a character witha moderate security skill open the side chamber door.4.From Husef, in the Refugee Sector. The part is given once you'vehelped the Refugees in dealing with the Serocco and Exchange, and helpedreunite a mother with her daughter, being held by the Exchange.5.After meeting with the Jedi Master. This part is earned if any of theprevious were missed.DANTOOINE -1.Available for purchase from the salvager you rescue from the JediAcademy Sub-Levels. He will normally charge 1000-1300 credits for lightsaber,focus crystal, and upgrade component. If you do not have the credits, do notworry, he will hold the items for you on the surface, back with the rest ofthe salvage crew.2.In the Jedi Academy Sub-Levels, you will find two salvager corpses, ifyou spoke to all of the salvagers on the surface to activate a certain sub-quest.
The second corpse will have a will on their body, which you can tamperwith. If you alter the will, and then show it to Zherron (located in theKhoonda Administrative Building), you will receive a lightsaber, multiplecomponents, and some dark-side points.3.After meeting with the Jedi Master on the planet.ONDERON/DXUN -1.Earned after killing a Canook in the jungle. If you have a saber atthis point, you earn a type of upgrade crystal/component.2.Earned from Mandalore, after you have completed all of the sidequestsrequired to earn his assistance. These include: killing the rakkeg andgetting proof, dealing with the lost Mandalorian, helping the MandalorianScout in the jungle, completing all three parts of the tower repair work,opening the Mandalorian cache, and winning the Battle Circle.3.In Iziz, from Dhagon Ghent, earned after meeting him back at hisoffice.4.On Dxun, at the end of the tomb explored by the side party you send.5.In Iziz, on the Sky Ramp, dropped by one of the enemies.6.In Iziz, in the palace, in the room which resembles a bedroom locatedon the north end. The 'saber, or part, is in one of the secure plasteelcylinders, and requires a high security skill to open.KORRIBAN -1.Earned from the Jedi Master.2.Earned after completing the area located in the back of the ShyrackCave. Hint: check all containers before leaving this area, once all of theenemies have been defeated.FINAL PLANET -1.From one of the Sith, fought in the first interior area you come to.2.Earned after defeating one of the final boss characters.SPECIAL THANKSI'd like to thank Bioware and Obsidian, for crafting two of the finest RPG'savailable for XBOX, or any other platform for that matter.Special thanks also go out to IGN, for their excellent web-site, and to theIGN KOTOR Board. Great folks who love great games.