LTwiki is for LTspice, SPICE, and Electronics help. You'll find unique material from beginner's tips to undocumented LTspice features! This site has no affiliation with the Analog Devices. You are also encouraged to join the LTspice Group. By studying the material on this site and the LTspice group, and contributing as much as possible - then posing well thought out questions to the LTspice group as needed, you will be able to use LTspice to any depth you wish.
I am designing a little audio amplifier for a electronics course, and I was thinking of using a LM386. Unfortunately we are required to use LTSpice. My lab TA found this Spice model which I would like to pass along, although I have not been able to get it to work in LTSpice.
Any help would be appreciated!I have the file below as 'LM386.sub' under my LTCSwCADIIIlibcmp directory. I made a simple schematic using 'opamp2' renamed to 'U1, LM386'. I have the directive '.lib lm386.sub'.
I could get this to simulate fine after I created a quick and dirty 8 node symbol, I didn't test for sub circuit functionality though. Do you know what kind of symbol this subcircuit is supposed to be mapped to? It's definitly not an opamp. If you don't know how to create your own symbols (it's really very simple look it up in the help files) I'd be happy to upload a generic symbol that could be used with the subcircuit model. Again though I have no idea if the subcircuit itself simulation is any good I didn't want to spend the time to make a circuit for it.Thanks for the subcircuit by the way, I'm going to have to play around with this (doesn't everyone want to build a Lm386 amp?
Attached is a zip file, which contains a symbol that will work with the lm386.sub put it in the swcadIII/lib/sym directory and restart SWcad, you should be able to load it then in the components section. Right click on it, give it the Prefix X and the 'Value' lm386 and make sure you.include the lm386.sub file. It's mapped just like the dip package you refrenced.
Quick and dirty doesn't look like much only took me a minute to make. Edit the symbol file and look at it, it's pretty simple. Let me know if it works.
The circuit was fixed to mix Microphone plus music and amplified with 'pre-emphasis' for a FM transmitter project. Thank you for Audioguru a lot for the help. Here's a schematic attached based on TL072 OpAmp. Problem is my friend made the preamp he's not getting expected audio out. Then I did a simulation, but simulation is not working. Attention at my simulation because I used LT1057 OpAmp in the place of TL072 (I didn't find LTSpice model so). What would be the problem?
If you have a model of TL072 then re-simulate please and give me the model of TL072 too.EDIT: Post #2 has simulation file attached. (I cannot upload multiple files in a post- using Java Operamini).
Fairbanks scales drivers for mac. Just want to learn for other models. I have downloaded a HUGE pack of models (more than 10MB) and thousands of models are there.
But I was not getting them working simply by pasting file in 'sub' and 'sym' folders in LTC. Feeling excited that learning about to add '.include' function, I will get thousands of these models are working!!However, I am being failed to download your attached 'willen1.zip' file everytime, it's amazing. Everytime it says 'downloading failed', all other files here are being downloaded. As I said before I have TL072.301 file in the huge pack already, just remaining thing is to learn to add.include. HiSuggestion.Eric:Remember, when you use an '.include' statement, it will only search the current folder unless you specifya path along with the filename.1. Create a zip file with all the required files so that when its unzipped, all files will end up in the same directory.Willen:1. Create a new folder named 'C:Circuits' (do not create it below 'program files' folder, that way you avoid potential permission issues.).2.
Then create another folder inside 'Circuits' named 'Preamp'.3. Place the zip file Eric gives you inside the 'Preamp' folder, then unzip the file. By default, It will create another folder insidethe 'Preamp' folder with the same name as the zip file name. Once unzipped, all necessary files should be in this folder.4.
Now launch LTspice, open the.asc file and simulate.Hope that helps. Hi,This is what works for me, extract from the LTS Help files.Extract:An absolute path name may be entered for the filename. Hi,This is what works for me, extract from the LTS Help files.Extract:An absolute path name may be entered for the filename. Not saying your method is wrong either.your method works for you just fine.But there are a lot of variables.different OS's.Folder/File permission settings.different skill levels.etc.So.some methods won't work for other users without running into problems.In short, when sharing files, if you place all the required subckt/model files in the same folder as the.asc file there should be no problem with LTspice finding them.
However, I wouldn't recommend placing any user files in the 'Program Files' Folder. Just putting two files as shown in attached image, and adding '.include TL072.301' shows same error message as attached above (failed.GIF)Eventually I corrected the problem like this way- The error message (failed.GIF attached above) is showing that the LTSpice cannot open library file in that location.sym/EXTRA/AudioOpamp/TI/Here 'EXTRA' (and its other sub-folders) is my huge model package's folder name but first location folder name 'sym' is not my package name. It means LTSpice is searching 'EXTRA' folder and its sub-folders under 'sym' directory of LTSPICE. So I copied my 'EXTRA' folder (where thousands of models are there) and pasted it inside the 'sym' folder of LTSpice.Then I saw EXTRA directory in the Add symbol box (from where we add NPN, PNP, MOSFETS, ICs, voltage) and inside the 'EXTRA' directory I also saw these thousands of models! Wow problem solved! I don't know which thing force to LTSpice to search predetermined EXTRA folder under its 'sym' directory.