The Android SDK Platform Tools are programs used to directly interface with the Android operating system. This includes tools such as adb and fastboot.

Android SDK Platform-Tools is a component for the Android SDK. It includes tools that interface with the Android platform, such as adb, fastboot, and systrace. These tools are required for Android app development. (Make sure your Mac is connected to the internet.) Once you are done with installing Homebrew, you can follow the step below to setup ADB binaries on your macOS using the same Terminal. Open the Terminal again. Enter the following command to install ADB on macOS: brew cask install android-platform-tools.

It supports Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. There is an installable version and a portable version.

Android SDK Platform Tools


  1. Download the Android SDK (from Google's website) and install it.

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  1. Be sure to record the destination folder, or choose where you would like it. Default is C:androidandroid-sdk .

  2. Once installed, start SDK Manager (the checkbox will already be selected)

  1. Once the SDK opens, check the first three (3) boxes; they are labeled 'Tools,' 'Android SDK Tools,' and 'Android SDK Platform-tools'. Install these packages.

  2. Once the packages have finished installing, you can close the program.

  3. You will have to be in the platform-tools folder to use the tools, so move any needed files there.

Mac OS X

Ubuntu/Debian/Linux Mint

On Ubuntu 12.10, android-tools are inside the repositories and can be easily downloaded.

This package includes adb, fastboot, and other binaries.

On older Ubuntu version or Debian systems, you'll need to manually add the PPA:

Once that package is installed, adb and fastboot can be run from anywhere in the terminal.


Arch Linux/Chakra

Just install these two packages from the AUR:

  • android-sdk-platform-tools
  • udev-android-rules

You can now use adb and fastboot from the terminal, anywhere.

Other Linux Distros

If all else fails or your distro doesn't support the packages we give you, no worries. Just use the script under the 'linux' folder in the archive, and everything will be installed in no time.

This script comes from here

Make sure your phone is being recognized- type:

If your drivers are installed correctly, this should show your phone's serial number. You should hear the found device noises when you plug your phone in. if it starts installing drivers,wait for it to finish before typing the adb devices command.

Quick and Dirty ADB

If you need ADB on a portable drive or don't feel like installing the Platform Tools, just use this.

{{Note Put all files to be used by ADB in the folder where you extracted it to, since it is not a system program.}}

Files to Get

You will need to download this archive and extract it.

  • - Modified from Scotty's original miniadb package. Now with Linux installation instructions and binaries, and cleaned up to work for all phones.

Quick and Dirty ADB (Windows)

First, unzip your file into the root folder of your hard drive, such as C:. This means the top level, not inside any folders, so just copy and paste the folder onto C: with everything else that is there.

You actually can call it whatver you want,but directions from here forward will assume this folder to be named miniadb_inc

Open a command window. In Windows 7, click the start bubble in the lower left and type command in the search box to find the Command Prompt application. In Windows XP, go to Run and type cmd.exe to run it.

Type the following at the prompt in your cmd window to change to your miniadb_inc directory.

Your command prompt should display c:miniadb_inc> provided you:

  1. unzipped the miniadb_inc zip
  2. put the folder on your c drive
  3. didn't change the name

Now make sure usb debugging is checked in Settings/Apps/Development on your phone,and plug your phone into your PC with a usb cable

Quick and Dirty ADB (Mac and Linux)

Extract the somewhere accessible, like the /home folder.

  • Mac OS X: Use the adbmac binary: substitute all adb commands with ./adbmac.
  • Linux: Use the adblinux binary: substitute all adb commands with ./adblinux.
