Baking Powder: Detergent booster - Sprinkle some baking powder into the washing machine or dishwasher with the detergent to boost the cleaning power. And though I'm no Tool Time Tim, I like a little boost here and there. Counter cleaner - Dust your counter-top with powder and wipe clean for a more natural cleaner in the kitchen. Teeth Whitening - Small cup of powder and dip your brush in it. Baking powder is a dry chemical leavening agent, a mixture of a carbonate or bicarbonate and a weak acid. The base and acid are prevented from reacting prematurely by the inclusion of a buffer such as cornstarch. Baking powder is used to increase the volume and lighten the texture of. Many were already available in households as medicinal, cleaning or solvent.
There are literally hundreds of household uses for. Not to be confused with, which has added acidifying and drying agents — typically and starch, respectively — baking soda is pure bicarbonate of soda. Its beneficial qualities are the result of its ability to act as a buffer, neutralizing both acidic and alkaline substances to regulate pH. In the Kitchen.
Baking soda can be used to clean cutting boards, counter tops, sinks, stoves, the interiors of lunch boxes and coolers, and other surfaces that come into contact with food. Sprinkle it onto a damp sponge, wipe, rinse, and dry. Clean the inside of a food-splattered microwave with baking soda sprinkled on a damp sponge. Rinse, then dry. Place an opened box in the freezer and the refrigerator to absorb food odors; replace with a fresh box every few months.
It can be used to safely scrub fruits and vegetables. Sprinkle on a damp sponge, wash the fruit or vegetable carefully, then rinse thoroughly with cool water.Fire Extinguisher. It is worthwhile to keep a box or two of baking soda on hand for this use alone. Komplete audio 6 control panel download windows. It can put out small grease fires in pans, ovens, grills, and toaster ovens. It's best to first turn off the power source, if it can be done safely, and then throw the baking soda on the flame. It can also be used to put out small electrical fires — the process is essentially the same.
In both cases, it’s wise to call the fire department to check on the situation and make sure the fire has been totally extinguished.In the Bathroom. Scrub out the tub and sink with a damp sponge sprinkled with baking soda. @anon20840 - I don't really think that it makes much of a difference. You basically are rinsing the suit in order to minimize the chlorine the fabric absorbs.
While some people swear by a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice, the truth is that you should be washing your suits after use anyhow.Just because you are getting wet while in the suit doesn't mean you are washing away the potential for germs to breed and multiply on the fabric of your suit. It is always safe to wash your suits in detergent then hang them to dry in order to minimize shrinkage.